Q. 싸이클을 언제부터 타신건가요?
A. I started riding about five years ago and started racing two years ago. But I’ve always loved bicycles and have been riding since I was a little kid.
Q. 싸이클링 말고 다른 운동도 즐기시나요?
A. I love all sports. I do a lot of weight training at the gym and follow NBA and NFL very closely.
Q. 싸이클의 가장 큰 매력은 무엇인가요!?
A. Speed. I love speed and the feeling of freedom that riding gives me. And then there is the suffering and pain that comes with hard efforts. I love it all!
Q. 룩 연출할때 가장 신경쓰시는 부분이 있나요?
A. I dress simply, usually black or navy blue. I also like wearing athletic clothes because they match my lifestyle. The simpler the better.
Q. 가장 좋아하는 브랜드와 그 이유는 무엇인가요!?
A. I don’t really have a favorite brand. If it looks good, and has good fit and function then it’s good for me.
∙ Top : NIKE
∙ Bottom : NIKE
∙ Eyewear : ALBAOPTICS 알바옵틱스