1. 자기소개 부탁드립니다!
Hi! My name is Harry but my Korean friends call me 해리. I’m an ENFP type and I am studying a PhD in Melbourne, although I love to visit Seoul as much as I can. My research is in sports science and engineering so it’s the perfect project for a cyclist.
2. 어떤 계기로 운동을 시작하게 되었고. 가장 좋아하는 운동은 무엇인가요?
I’ve been riding bikes ever since I was a little kid but I got my first road bike in high school after I watched the Tour de France. It’s been more than 10 years now and I love cycling more and more every year.
3. 러닝/사이클을 하며 추천하고 싶은 나만의 코스가 있다면 무엇인가요
Last time I was in Seoul my friend took me to ride the three temple climbs in Anyang. I am naturally better at flat, fast rides but I love climbing so this route is now one of my favourites. I would also recommend many of the mountains around Taipei for some really amazing climbs.
4. 가장 좋아하는 러닝/사이클 웨어 브랜드는 무엇인가요? 그리고 그 이유는 무엇인가요?
Currently, most of my cycling kit comes from Pas Normal Studios because it fits me well and I’m a big fan of their colours and styles. However, I like any brand that has a firm, race fit so I really want to try the Suarez skinsuit.
5. 가장 좋아하는 컬러와 패턴은? 그리고 그런 옷을 입으면 어떤 기분이 드나요?
I like mostly minimalist patterns and neutral or fall colours. It keeps my outfit classic and timeless and means that I can easily mix and match different jerseys and bibs.
6. 운동을 하는 가장 큰 이유는 무엇이며, 당신에게 특별하게 영향을 준 사건이 있나요?
I love to exercise because it gives me a chance to take a break from how busy life can be. When I’m cycling I don’t have to think about anything else except for me and the bike. It helps me to keep a healthy balance in my life and gives me a good opportunity to catch up with some friends while we ride.
The most special event I have finished was the Summer Taiwan KOM Challenge. It was also the hardest but most beautiful route I’ve ever completed. I would 100% recommend it to everyone.
7. 향후 5년 뒤 당신이 한 브랜드의 팬이 된다면, 어떤 브랜드 옷을 입고 있을 것 같나요? 그리고 그 이유는 무엇인가요?
This year, I hope to complete the Taiwan KOM climb again faster than my previous record. My goal is sub-5 hours.